Thursday, May 31, 2012

wish me luck!

So this is my first post ever! I know everyone probably has a post like this in the beginning where there is nothing of substance really, but I'm really excited nonetheless. This one doesn't have a recipe in it, however, I think I will be making a banana cream pie later today at work, so we will see how that goes.  I will come back today with the details on it! 

Yesterday, I was trying to come up with a name for the blog, and I became stuck.  I am one of those people where once there is something I want to do, I want to get it done right then and there, and so coming up with a creative name on the spot that I would like for a long time suddenly became a challenge.  Eventually I became patient enough to brainstorm. Luckily I came up with a bunch of ideas that had to do with food and asked some of my friends and they agreed with me on my favorites.  I came back today and came up with an entirely different one that I really liked so I just went for it without anyone else's input! Hopefully I will continue to like it and I won't get sick of it.  

Anywhooo, my blog is going to basically just be everything that I bake or cook! I wanted to start a blog, but I had no idea what it would be about and so after some thinking, I figured I could do something casual like this.  It will just be a log for a bunch of recipes and whether or not they were a hit or a miss after I made them. On weeks that nothing new comes up, I will probably post something that I have made in the past so that I won't get out of the habit on coming on here. I love to bake and cook (baking more than cooking, which can definitely be dangerous sometimes) and I'm excited to get started, and wish me luck!

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